I was Bored. Tee hee.
One Thing, I MISS MY EX-BOYF.will you love me &hug me?
yummie yummie. want some?
I went to queue up with Christabel @Donut Factory this morning.actually, SHE queued.she queued there for like, 2hours before i reached?i was so late lor,cos she didn't manage to dig me out off bed even after her zillions missed calls. =Xi've been really bored at home,so i ended with shopping online.Madness.everyday i've some new thing i wanna buy.And i Bought:
Cosmo Babydoll top from Forever21.
Pretty cute dress from a taiwan website.
( click to enlarge. ) Swanlake shades.

I bought the olive one!
brandon ordered the olive one too.
at 1st it was just to show him,
asking him which colour is nicer.
Ended up with him buying a same pair as well. he said, COUPLE SHADES MAR!
Nuts. YuanQing &Me went to Mdm Wong.
It's soooo good lah!
The music, The crowd.

- Only bad point of Mdm Wong.
stupid Ladies toilet light spoilt!
As compared to DXO?
OMG, i swear i'll nvr be going back to DXO.
It's the worst worst worst party ever.
air con like no air con,
crowd super knnnnnns,
&&& the music is even more like shit,
like, wtf!
how can you ever dance to this kinda song?
But Mdm Wong is diffeeeeerent.
although it's reaaally small,
it's damn cooling and not so packed.
&&& the music is sooo good lah!
and the people there really can dance!
super entertaining can.
Mr Sweaty-Palm &Mr Mattress. =DDD
All these pictures are taken,
when everything ended.
sooooo. we kinda look like shit lah.
cos like, daaaamn shagged alrdy.
Make-up gooone,
Can't smile cos too shaaagged.
Looking pale like ghost.

whoops. khim didn't get into the picture. =X
Would you love me &hug me?
Can i lean on you feeling safe?